Helps foreigners invest in Japanese CRE > 1M USD

© Cruysen Klinkers GK Tokyo, Japan 2023.
All rights reserved.

This is for the global thinkers

This is for the
- Finance guys and girls (traders, forex, hedge funds, options) often from UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Switzerland with exposure to or interest in Japan.
- (U)HNWI’s
- Family offices
- Pension funds
- Funds of funds

Who want great assets
Commercial real estate in Japan starting from 100M JPY (1億円) / 750k USD. Residential and mixed use. Our deal sizes are generally up to 100M USD / 15B JPY and sometimes over 1B USD / 150B JPY.

Who want to diversify
- Geographically: Japan / Asia Pacific (APAC Region)
- Currency: Japanese Yen

Who seek creativity, speed & performance
- Cash Flow
- Appreciation
- Leverage
- Cost efficiency

About Us

Cruysen Klinkers (“CK”) is a Dutch independent and privately owned boutique investment advisory, real estate developer and asset manager in Tokyo, Japan.

Company Values & Culture
Speed, Creativity and Performance.

Corporate Information

NameCruysen Klinkers G.K.
Headquarters107-0062 Palace Aoyama Building 209
6-chōme-1-6 Minami-Aoyama,
Minato City, Tokyo, Japan
EstablishedMay 2023
DirectorKoen Klinkers (Representative)
Tijs Cruysen
Capital5,000,000 JPY
BankingKiraboshi Bank
Services1. Buying, selling, leasing, managing and developing real estate
2. Any business incidental to the preceding item

Licenses (including 3rd Party)
Investment Advisory
Asset Management

Memberships & Associations
- ULI (Urban Land Institute Japan)
- Tricor FSA Program 2023
- NCCJ (The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan)

Investment Advisory

1. Enter Japan
• Benefit from our understanding of Japanese culture and business customs to get things done
• Have FSA foreign investor licenses and/or exemptions arranged to be fully compliant early on
2. Know your Limits
• Become aware of sensitivities and risks by using our underwriting specific to the Japanese market
• Maximize potential reward by our creative deal and tax incentivized structuring
3. Make way in the Japanese markets
• Use our network to access discounted deals and cheap local debt at Japanese banks
• Leave it to us to communicate persuasively and close deals with the Japanese parties involved
4. Strategically Stabilize
• Reposition to higher-paying tenant segments using our proprietary CK Japan AI System
• Be green from the start by our integrated Dutch approach to sustainability

Asset Management

5. Maximize Income
• Reduce non-payment and default risk by our tenants’ income and guarantor verification
• Increase revenue per tenant by keeping renewal fees in-house
6. Scale
• Fill vacancy at scale with our corporate sales to foreign employers in Japan
• Save at scale on operational costs by digital contracts and digital payments (DX)
7. Reduce Vacancy
• Reduce vacancy by using our proprietary tenant friend matching service
• Reduce unexpected costs through ongoing tenant conversation and complaint handling
8. Perfect Exit
• Minimize surprises later on by prudent accounting audited by a western Big4
• Maximize gains by actively proposing refinancing and/or exit timing


Cruysen Klinkers G.K.
107-0062 Palace Aoyama Building 209
6-chōme-1-6 Minami-Aoyama,
Minato City, Tokyo, Japan
Contact us for more information through the contact form below or telephone or e-mail.Telephone: +81 (0)3 5962 6454

Thank you

We will get back to you within 24 hours.



© Cruysen Klinkers 合同会社、東京 2023. All rights reserved.


○ 金融関係の男女(トレーダー、外国為替、ヘッジファンド、オプション)は、英国、シンガポール、香港、スイス出身で、日本との取引や関心を持っていることが多いです。

1億円(億円)からの日本の商業用不動産。 住宅および混合用途。




Cruysen Klinkers (「CK」) は、東京に拠点を置くオランダの独立系非公開ブティック投資顧問、不動産開発会社、資産管理会社です



会社名Cruysen Klinkers 合同会社
本社所在地〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山 6-1-6 パレス青山 209
Directorクリンカース・クン (代表社員) クルイセン  タイス(ディレクー)
資本金5,000,000 円
事業内容1. 不動産の売買、賃貸借, 開発および管理
2. 前号に付帯する一切の業務

ライセンス (関連第三会社を含む)


○「CK JAPAN AI SYSTEM」を活用し、より報酬の高いテナントセグメントへの配置をサポート。




Cruysen Klinkers G.K.
〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山 6-1-6 パレス青山 209
以下のコンタクトフォーム、電話、またはメールで、詳細情報やお問い合わせください。Telephone: 03 5962 6454

Privacy Policy

Purpose of use of personal information to be acquired
We will use the email address and name obtained from your inquiry in response to that inquiry.
Security Control of personal information
We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, correct it, and otherwise manage it safely.
After responding to your inquiry, we will delete the acquired personal information within our company.
Provision of personal information to third parties
We will not provide users’ personal information to third parties without obtaining their prior consent, except as required by law.
Outsourcing the handling of personal information
We will not outsource the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, without obtaining the prior consent of the user.
Disclosure, etc. of personal information and contact for inquiries.
At the request of the user, we will comply with requests for disclosure, notification of the purpose of use, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties of personal information held by us and disclosure of provision from and to third parties of personal information held by us.Please use the contact page for more information.日本語取得する個人情報の利用目的

Anti Social Forces policy

We have established and declare the following basic policy from the viewpoint that it is essential to prevent damage caused by Anti-Social Forces, which are groups or individuals that pursue economic benefits by using violence, force and fraudulent methods, in order to maintain public trust and ensure the appropriateness and soundness of our business operations.
As an entire organization, we shall take measures against Anti-Social Forces and ensure the safety of employees who deal with Anti-Social ForcesWe establish close cooperative relationship with external professional organizations such as the Police and the National Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations.We do not engage in any transactions with Anti-Social Forces.We do not accept any unreasonable demands form Anti-Social Forces. We take legal action, either civilly or criminally, in the event that undue demands are recognized by Anti-Social Forces.
We do not engage in any backroom deals or provide funds to Anti-Social Forces.

Cruysen Klinkers RecapHappy New Year and 1 year Cruysen Klinkers
It’s an interesting time. The New Year has started but soon it also marks the 1 year existence of Cruysen Klinkers.
It’s the company abbreviated by you as “CK” or as the Brits call us: “Deal Team Dutch”. And in a broader perspective the journey Koen (Klinkers) and I have decided on. To create great assets in Japan as and for foreigners and make an end to the complex maze Japanese real estate can be.Kick-off May 2023 - Aug 2023
After our kick-off in May 2023 we dedicated the first 3 months to building up the goodwill, relationships and getting people to give us the advantage of the doubt. I felt like the new kid on the block in Tokyo real estate. Although Koen has had an excellent multi-decade track record in Japan real estate, I didn’t have much to offer besides my word. We did manage to set up the company and get the stamps of approval from the Japanese government.
Especially Koen's and JMO’s goodwill and Koh-san (Cosmopolitan) support has been vital in this phase and I am very thankful to them.

Product Trial July 2023 - Sep 2023
We dedicated the next 3 months to deliver on our promises, to ensure product quality and delivery. We built a brokerage partnership with Oscar Volder from Azabu Property Investments (API). This allowed us to service foreigners in Japan to buy and sell real estate by a completely Dutch team.
Then, we landed a trial case with our first client, a banker and trader from Singapore. We freed him from his Suruga financed, Yokohama property. At that time I didn’t even know who Suruga Bank was. But we learned fast.We changed the traditional boring marketing leaflet from selling properties to selling futures. This approach worked to attract a different buyer profile. We netted our client 8% more net capital gains (cash in hand) than our competitors were able to do.This gave us testimony as a trusted commercial real estate company in Japan. And then I took the famous “konbini martini” picture. It showed Oscar (left) and James (right) hugging each other in the 7/11 after their deal closed.

Marketing Oct 2023 - Dec 2023
I had no idea how much one picture published on the right channel could do to get eyeballs. I took it at the right moment at the right time. I first didn’t consider publishing as it’s not what you use to see on LinkedIn: would this not be too personal and vulnerable? But people loved it, it went viral, and reached tens of thousands of people. It even got interest from the press. Authenticity works!
LinkedIn has been vital to us to go viral but it could only be because we built:
1) an excellent reputation;
2) a proven successful product delivery and;
3) onboarding and aftersales capabilities.
And so people started talking about us, sharing our results and introducing people to us.We now have a daily stream of incoming leads, foreigners. Most are working in finance, in Singapore, Hong Kong, Switzerland. Most are from the UK, Dutch and Swiss and a handful are from the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.All seek help buying, selling, financing, managing or developing real estate in Japan.

Expanding from Tokyo to whole Japan
We expanded our reach from wider Tokyo, Yokohama and Kawasaki to nationwide.
We now have deals in:
- Ashikawa and Sapporo Hokkaido;
- Sendai;
- Niigata;
- Tokyo;
- Yokohama;
- Kawasaki;
- Kobe;
- Okayama;
- Mie;
- Kita-Kyuushuu;
- Fukuoka and;
- Okinawa.
And next to that we kept building on the strategic side of the business.We got introduced to both Japanese and western banks in Japan. We got cultured to the Japanese way of doing big business. It enabled us to add hard to obtain commercial real estate financing to our services. The ones with the high LTV's and the low rates. With bankers we trust.We built relationships with the consulting firms. We are proud to refer clients to KPMG’s high quality deal structuring support.Finally, we commenced R&D activities with Fu Long being our latest addition to the family. He assisted us in creating our own underwriting model of Japanese real estate. He got fantastic remote support from Josh, our specialist modeller. In our experience some real estate brokers in Japan underwrite with unrealistic assumptions. We changed that as our investors judge us on the deviation of our promises, and rightfully so. It has saved us from not investing in a deal or two. Sometimes the profit is in knowing what not to get into.Fu Long also helped us to use this product as an internal tool. We overlayed it on Google Maps to find pockets of growth. This is essential in a country suffering from population collapse.

Sales Jan 2024 - Mar 2024
Now we use our creativity in the Japanese real estate market - and be even more competitive.
We introduced CK Insider Deals. It is a new off market package product where we qualify, bundle and match sellers with professional bulk buyers. Buying in bulk often means better and cheaper financing for the buyer who can get higher yields that way. And it saves them a lot of time to qualify buildings in bulk instead of one by one. For the seller it means only having to deal with qualified buyers. This saves time and effort and gets them a fair price. In short everybody wins. The seller gets a good price, buyer gets better financing and bankers make higher fees with less work.Our on- and offmarket listings quadrupled to over 4.5 billion JPY / 30M USD of real estate in Japan. Our Japanese real estate financing services has grown to over 35B JPY / 250M USD in total deal opportunity. We close twice as much, far outperforming the market benchmark.We now have experience serving HNWI clients (those with over 1M USD to invest) and UHNWI (Ultra High Net Worth Individuals), those with roughly over 25M USD to invest. We help them get local Japanese financing for existing portfolios, new development and funds.

March 2024: Introducing Asset Management Capabilities
We also landed our first asset management customers. Foreigners switching from Japanese asset managers to us. They trust us more. They get full transparency on quotes like repairs and no backhandling. Compared to most Japanese asset managers, this is attractive.
Next to that we built out a marketing referral program. On staffing front we are recruiting and hiring more marketing talent to help grow CK.

2040 Tokyo Real Estate Development Vision
Brokerage, financing and asset management services form the backbone of our company.
Now we are tapping into the Tokyo real estate development space.
Here too we are in the very first stage. We obtained pledges and built goodwill, having people give us the advantage of the doubt. We built wonderful relationships with the FSA, the urban planning division of Tokyo City and various Ministeries. We find the Japanese are curious about the next Mori being Dutch-Japanese!Also, more and more European brands who want to enter Japan are finding us.Being new is challenging, but also means no history and no drag.
We are going to skip the concrete generation.
We go straight into building sustainable, wooden high-rise.
We are not here to overhaul Japan. We only add Dutch flavor to Japan.We contribute to Japan’s society shifting from consumption first to creation first.Because socialism seems great until you run out of other people’s money. We are now figuring out capitalism is great until you run out of other people’s people. I therefore believe we as a species are switching to a new model that fundamentally supports and incentivizes creation.Creation of humanity - children - and the supporting structures.And our opportunity lies to contribute to it with beautiful large scale development projects that allow people to:
- connect with nature;
- do meaningful work;
- raise families and;
- provide unique spaces to connect with yourself and others.
It is why our company’s tagline is “Asset Creators”.Because we are here to create.Excitement for the new year
We’re very proud of what we achieved so far and excited for the future!
Thank you everyone again for being part of our movement and your continuous support.
よろしくお願いします。February 2024CRUYSEN Tijs
Cruysen Klinkers G.K.